Source Pest Control specializes in effective insect control, targeting a variety of common household pests including silverfish, fire brats, grain beetles, and more. Our expert extermination methods ensure thorough removal of these pests, restoring peace and comfort to your home. Whether it’s eliminating Indian meal moths from your pantry or eradicating carpet beetles from your carpets, we have the solution. Trust us to handle all your insect control needs with precision and care.
+1 (236)-598-5253
+ (604)-518-6754
5646 182 St, Surrey, BC V3S 4M6, Canada
3703 creek stone Dr Abbotsford, BC V2S 7J7
20200 Fraser Hwy Langley BC V3A 4E6
Our precision insect control is tailored to your specific needs. We start with a meticulous inspection to identify the types of pests and assess the level of infestation. From common ants and flies to resilient beetles and moths, our experts implement targeted solutions, preserving the integrity of your space and ensuring effective elimination of unwanted guests. Experience a pest-free environment with our comprehensive insect control services.
Discovering unwanted insects in your space prompts our precision insect control methods. Our seasoned experts specialize in identifying and assessing the specific pests affecting your environment. From common ants and flies to resilient beetles and moths, our meticulous assessments ensure a comprehensive understanding of your unique insect challenges.
Bid farewell to unwanted guests with our tailored insect control solutions. Whether it’s pavement ants, pharaoh ants, silverfish, or other pests, our methods preserve the integrity of your space. Experience effective and lasting results against diverse insects, ensuring a pest-free living or working environment.
Welcome to Source Pest Control, your local pest control partner serving Surrey, Langley, and Abbotsford. Our success relies on strong relationships with customers and employees.
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